Here are the "black-eyed susans" that sprang up after we cut the tree down. They may not be black-eyed susans but they look similar.
The clematis and daylilies in front of the garage.
Every day Aubrey and I pull off every dead daylily around the property, and I think it has helped them bloom better this year than in previous years. I don't remember having that many blooming at once before.
The ivy. It's surviving and growing slowly. I imagine next year it will take over the wall a little more. We should weed that area better. I left the volunteer tomato and volunteer squash/melon plant because I can't bring myself to pull them up.
Aubrey wants the camera because, she says, she can take better pictures than I can.
Asparagus (left) and pole beans (center). The asparagus seems to have dropped seeds which sprouted and grew little tiny asparagus shoots, really ferny, not edible. Jason and I are wondering if these will be producers next year?
Mystery plant in the compost. Any ideas? Click photo to enlarge.
The sweet peas are blooming! This photo has poor lighting but you might be able to make out the blossoms at the top. They smell terrific! As you can see, we've made no move to rescue the baskets from full deterioration.
Remember last year when I planted lilies in the front yard and the squirrels ate the bulbs? They missed one, which laid in hiding for a full year before finally growing this spring. It doesn't match the other lilies as I had planned. But it's gorgeous! About 7 inches across.
That's it for the garden for now. I made an appointment for Aubrey to get portraits at JCPenney this morning, but she conked out for a nap and slept through it - I didn't want to wake her up, particularly since she had been putting off the nap all morning and finally fell asleep. So I rescheduled for tomorrow.
Have a great day!